Hopefully by the time you read this, the last snowflake will have fallen, the trees will be leafing out, the grass will be green, and the farm fields will be turning green as well. It is a time of renewal, restoration, and rebirth. Too often we take the seasons for granted. 

I have two seasons that I really enjoy. One of them is fall. The beautiful colors of the trees, warmer days, and cooler nights. The
plentiful crops ready to be harvested. Fall is a beautiful time of year for sure.

The other season I love is that of spring. I enjoy spring because of the newness of life. The grass, the trees, the flowers, the crops in the field, and the ivy blooming in Wrigley. All signs of hope. But I also love spring because I believe that spring is a special gift from our Father.

Our lives are like the seasons. In the Spring time of our lives we toddle around, learning to walk, talk, dress
ourselves, feed ourselves, and tie our shoes.

Summer is the time of growth and maturity. We are done with school, we find our life’s calling, we find love
with the right person, and we give birth to our own families.

Fall is when our family is grown, grand children come to visit, we near retirement, our backs and knees hurt
when we roll out of bed. The cool breezes chill us to the bone. We look back at the beauty of our lives and
smile at the precious memories. We reconnect with our spouse and the rat race is over.

Winter comes, and just as nature ceases to exist, family gathers round us, we share our love, and then we
walk into the “valley of the shadow”. The wind blows strong, the snow covers the ground burying the world
in a mantle of white. The days are short, dusk comes early, we feel nothing but cold and emptiness. And
just as we are ready to give up all hope, Spring breaks forth.

Spring, a reminder that death is not the end. Spring, a reminder that there is life beyond the “valley of the
shadow of death.” Spring, a reminder that Christ conquered death and that He is here to guide us through,
comforting us with His “rod and staff,” giving us comfort until we enter Spring, in the eternal Kingdom of
God. Yes, God’s Spring is coming! All we have to do is believe.

Veritas - Curt