Our Story

In 1975 our Charter Members named the new church "Immanuel" which means "God With Us". This certainly has been true throughout the history of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Waukee! In 1977 the original building was dedicated, and in 1992 a new education wing was added. The continued growth of the community and the church dictated that another expansion was needed.  In November 1998, the congregation took part in a "needs" assessment, and it was determined that our most pressing need was a new worship space. The Building Committee for the new sanctuary used the theme of "Building on Living Stones", and they were constantly reminded that "God was still with us"!  Many people stepped forward to help when needed and we felt that God was right beside us through it all. On a beautiful Easter Sunday, April 15, 2001 the ground-breaking ceremony was held and the new sanctuary dedication took place on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2002. Immanuel will be celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2025. Today we see the culmination of our vision, to the Glory of God. 

We have gone from one service to three. Sunday services are held at 8:00am and 10:30am with Sunday School at 9:15am. WOW - Worship on Wednesday is held at 6:30pm.
