"The Serpent's Tooth"
I. Two Proclamations
A. Washington in 1789
1. All that we have comes from God
B. Lincoln in 1863
1. All that we have comes from God
II. The second commandment
A. Not using God's name in vain
1. Can't use God's name to condemn
B. Luther
1. Using God's name the right way
a Prayer
b. Praise
c. Thanksgiving
III. Saying thanks
A. Shipwreck on Lake Michigan
1. Edward Spencer
a. Saved 17 people
b. Contracted pneumonia and died
c. No one said thanks
B. Good at asking
1. Gimme, gimme
C. Not as good saying Thanks
1. Reasons to give thanks
a. Another day
b. Food
c. etc
D. H. A. Ironside
1. Dinning with a stranger
a. Giving thanks
b. Like my dog
E. Say Thanks today