Many years ago comedian and social commentator, George Carlin had a comedy routine called, “The Seven Dirtiest Words in the English Language.” You can imagine what some of the words might be and since ladies and children might be reading this newsletter I will refrain from Carlin’s words but will add one of my own “DIRTY WORDS.” That dirty word is COMMITMENT

The word commitment means “to be dedicated to a cause or activity”. We don’t like the word commitment because that word infringes on our “freedom.” “I want to be ‘free’ to do whatever I want. I do not want responsibilities.” Well, I can understand little children saying that, but not grown up, responsible adults. 

As we begin a new church year on September 11th, it is indeed time for us to grow up, put on our “big boy” or “big girl” pants and make some commitments. 

First and foremost, let us commit ourselves to weekly worship. We offer three worship services each week. Two worship services on Sunday, at 8:00am and at 10:30am. If that doesn’t fit into your schedule, we offer worship with communion every Wednesday at 6:30pm. Time to make a commitment to worship in 2022 and beyond. 

Second, children need a good education. A good foundation not just on the “Three R’s” but also a foundation in the faith. As parents you made a promise to attend worship with your children and provide for their Christian education. That is where Sunday School, Confirmation, Sunbeam Singers and other faith based educational experiences are important. All week long your children are bombarded with some very unhealthy messages. Messages that hurt, messages that make us mistrust each other, make us to look at each other differently. Sunday School will give your children a positive message that will help educate them into what God really wants for them. Time for you to make a commitment to bring your children to Sunday School. 

Third, our Youth program includes High School Hangouts on Sunday evenings. We have Youth activities on Wednesday nights for children second grade through seventh all beginning at 7:00pm. We have EPIC Singers and Ringers (grades 2nd-7th) that meet on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm. Time to make a commitment to bring you children to church on Wednesday evenings in 2022. 

Fourth, make a commitment to keep your giving current in 2022. 

If you think that any of this is too great of a commitment, just remember the commitment that God made to you. He gave his only son that you might believe and have eternal life. Yes, it is time to make a commitment to God and his church. 

Veritas - Curt