In Matthew 25:31, Jesus said, “I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me something to drink…” In Matthew 28:19, Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” James 2:14 says, “Faith expresses itself in works.” The message of all these passages is that it is the mission of the church to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the rest of the world through word and deed. The message of God’s love through Christ is not just for those of us who have already heard, but for those who have not heard.

Immanuel began in 1975 as a “mission church.” Immanuel was supported by other churches until it was able to stand on its own. Since we began as a mission, then I believe that Immanuel, that we should be committed to mission.

We support an orphanage and Bible School in India, we support a women’s shelter, we support Joshua Christian Academy and Waukee Schools with school supplies, Waukee Area Christian Services and Food Pantry, the Gideons, and mission trips. That mission work is wonderful, but the opportunities for more mission are out there. How many more hungry people could we feed? How many more women would have a safe place, how many more children would have school supplies, how many more orphans would have a place to stay, how many more homes could be restored? There is lots to do and I believe that the people of Immanuel can broaden the scope of their mission in a fairly painless way.

For this coming year, let us do a couple of things. First, always keep our giving current. If we miss a Sunday, double up on your giving the next Sunday. Consider giving electronically. It is easy and painless. Just ask Johnny Brummett. Second, increase what you are now giving by ten percent.

If you are currently giving $5.00/week, make it $5.50/week If you are currently giving $10.00/week, make it $11.00/week If you are currently giving $15.00/week, make it $16.50/week If you are currently giving $20.00/week, make it $22.00/week That would give us $35,000 more a year for outreach.

Thanksgiving comes next month. Let us show our thankfulness to God by increasing our giving so that others will have something to thank God for.

Veritas, Curt